counting stars with you (musiques femmes)

Maud Le Pladec

Création 2021

Created the 30th of Juin & 1st of July 2021 at Festival Montpellier Danse
Piece for 6 dancers and singers
Duration 60 min

Listening to the works of Kassia of Constantinople, Hildegarde von Bingen, Barbara Strozzi, Clara Schumann, Ethel Smyth - and so many others - is to experience an off-center history, going against the logic of the “big names,” of the very “heritage” that excludes them. Maud Le Pladec questions the feminist future in the history of music, inventing new communities of thoughts and desires, but also writing a “secret” history of music through female creation. For this new project, she imagines a body language that would revolve around the voice, breathing, singing, sounds becoming new modalities of acting and listening for the dancers, but also becoming the possibility of creating a tangible link and a concrete dialogue between them and the works of the composers.

Concept and art direction & choreography Maud Le Pladec # Music dramaturgy Maud Le Pladec and Tom Pauwels (Ensemble Ictus)# Music composed, arranged, interpreted & produced by Chloé Thévenin # Composers Kassia de Constantinople, Madame Gandhi, Anna Caragnano & Donato Dozzy, Elysia Crampton, Barbara Strozzi, Laura Steenberge, les femmes de Blera (Italie) et Giovanna Marini, Lucie Antunes, Chloé, Beautiful Chorus , MT. Sims, Planningtorock et The Knife… # Vocal work / music dramaturgy assistant Dalila Khatir # Dancers and vocalists Régis Badel, Chandra Grangean, Pere Jou, Andréa Moufounda, Aure Wachter, Solène Wachter replacement by Esther Bachs Viñuela, Alice Lada, Margarida Marques Ramalhete, Soa Ratsifandrihana# Costumes design and conception Christelle Kocher, assisted by Carles Urraca Serra — Koché # Costumes assistant Marion Régnier# Light and set design Éric Soyer # Dramaturgy Baudouin Woehl # General manager Fabrice Le Fur or Mélissandre Halbert # Light manager Nicolas Marc # Sound manager Vincent Le Meur or Justine Pommereau # Make up Ruben Masoliver # Hair style Andrea Idini # Production and development A propic / Line Rousseau, Marion Gauvent & Lara van Lookeren

Production Centre chorégraphique national ¾ # Coproductions Festival Montpellier Danse 2021, Chaillot - Théâtre national de la Danse, Festival NEXT Eurometropolis Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai & Valenciennes, La Soufflerie - Rezé, la Scène nationale d’Orléans # Diffusion and development A propic / Line Rousseau & Marion Gauvent # Thanks to Yannick Guédon et Giovanna Marini # With the artistic collaboration of the Jeune Théâtre National


  • On tour

    tuesday 23 april 2024

    Le Parvis, Scène nationale, Tarbes
    counting stars with you (musiques femmes) de Maud Le Pladec
  • On tour

    monday 24 january 2022

    La Soufflerie à Rezé (FRANCE)
    counting stars with you (musiques femmes) de Maud Le Pladec
  • On tour

    wednesday 26 january 2022

    Le Triangle à Rennes (FRANCE)
    counting stars with you (musiques femmes) de Maud Le Pladec
  • On tour

    friday 29 april 2022

    L'Arsenal, Cité Musicale de Metz (FRANCE)
    counting stars with you (musiques femmes) de Maud Le Pladec
  • On tour

    from wednesday 8 december
    to thursday 16 december 2021

    Chaillot - Théâtre national de la danse (FRANCE)
    counting stars with you (musiques femmes) de Maud Le Pladec
  • On tour

    from friday 3 december
    to saturday 4 december 2021

    Schouwburg à Courtrai, dans le cadre du festival NEXT (BELGIUM)
    counting stars with you (musiques femmes) de Maud Le Pladec
  • On tour

    tuesday 30 november 2021

    CNDC - Angers (FRANCE)
    counting stars with you de Maud Le Pladec
  • On tour

    from tuesday 23 november
    to wednesday 24 november 2021

    Scène nationale d'Orléans (FRANCE)
    counting stars with you (musiques femmes) de Maud Le Pladec
  • Première

    from wednesday 30 june
    to thursday 1 july 2021

    Festival Montpellier Danse (FRANCE)
    Première de counting stars with you (musiques femmes), création 2021 de Maud Le Pladec