Associated Artist – Soa Ratsifandrihana

© Lara Gasparotto

Affirming the place and representation of women in the artistic world is a daily commitment for the CCN¹. An associate artist since 2021, the CCN¹ has affirmed this position by entering into a three-year association with the choreographer Nina Santes. This autumn-winter 2024 is a time of transition. We will be celebrating the end of the association with Nina Santes with a special evening, and we will be welcoming to Orléans the show Fampitaha, fampita, fampitàna by Soa Ratsifandrihana, the new artist associated with the CCN¹ until June 2026. These two public events underline the creative freedom of these two artists, whose artistic heart and driving force invite us to rethink the world from the edge, from the intimate, from water, from history, from music, from the voice, to open up other narratives.

Soa Ratsifandrihana
is a Franco-Malagasy dancer and choreographer based in Brussels. After studying at the CNSMD in Paris, Soa Ratsifandrihana worked with James Thierrée, Salia Sanou and Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker. In 2021, she presented her first solo in Brussels, entitled g r oo v e. The show has been performed over fifty times and continues to tour in Europe, Canada, Asia and soon in Madagascar. In spring 2024, Soa Ratsifandrihana will present a diptych consisting of a radio creation entitled Rouge Cratère and a show entitled Fampitaha, fampita, fampitàna. Following on from her first solo, she explores the possible entanglements between different media, from radio narrative to choreographic and musical composition. Her work reminds us that our bodies, just like our words, are bearers of stories, and that however we communicate them, they must be told. Soa Ratsifandrihana is an associate artist of the Kaaitheater from 2023 to 2025 and of the Centre chorégraphique national d'Orléans from 2024 to 2026.